LEO Voucher
Local Enterprise Office Voucher Scheme
LEO – short for Local Enterprise Office, is helping businesses all over Ireland to grow online with their funds designed to assist small businesses. They can help you by funding your project with €2500 or up to 50% of your website development costs. These funds allow companies and sole traders to secure an online presence at very affordable rates.
If you have already received an LEO Voucher you can still apply for a second voucher whenever updates are required. Over 3500 businesses have been funded by the LEO Voucher Scheme. Neil and Stefan can help you with the online application so that you can be sure of the success of your application. The LEOVoucher Numbers are limited so it is important to call us so we can start the process straight away before the cap occurs.
You can only qualify to this LEO Voucher if you meet the following conditions:
- You must have less than 10 Employees.
- Must be in business for more than 10 months.
- Have less than 2 Million Turnover
- Be in an LEO Area.